Saturday 12 March 2011

Wednesday 9th March 2011

The last few days have been typical Bank Holiday weather, mostly rainy with the odd sunny patch. Very stormy at night with lots of thunder and lightning! So we’ve only managed to grab the odd quick walk along the promenade or around the camp before returning to Bella for shelter.

But just like at home, when everyone returns to work the sun comes out! So today we moved further along the coast to a campsite just outside Lagos. A nice easy journey only taking an hour and a half as it was mostly motorway. The campsite is very nice, virtually everything is open and reasonably priced so the site is fairly full, mostly of Brits. The site staff are really friendly and speak excellent English, which is handy as my Portuguese is non-existent. We are finding it much harder to grasp than French or Spanish. We’ve bumped into some of the other Brits and they’re an interesting bunch! There is another Burstner 747 just like ours here (only the 2nd we’ve seen so far), which arrived just after us, it was nice to see what they look like from the outside when they’re moving, if you see what I mean? However it did confuse a couple who were next to us at the last site and who had already moved here, as they popped round to say hello, only to find it was the wrong van!

We had a buffet lunch in the restaurant which was excellent, 6.90 e to eat as much as you like, and yes we did! Our favourite were the fresh prawns, huge and very tasty, we had two large platefuls before moving onto the fish course and then the meat. Some (Lynn & Sarah) even went back for some more prawns.

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