Friday 25 March 2011

Tuesday 22nd March 2011

After a stormy night, or so Lynn informs us (we slept through it as usual!) the sun came out, so after a few jobs we set off on the bikes again, this time to find the harbour as recommended by our new Irish friends. The harbour was only a couple of miles away, if that, and mostly downhill! As the coast came into view we left the road and cycled along a track to the cliff edge where we had a great view of the coast and the small harbour. After a short stop for photos, we rode down to the harbour entrance and sat admiring the view. After a short while a fishing boat came in very slowly, the entrance is guarded by lots of rocks which at low tide could just be seen. We could see the days catch in the plastic trays on the boats deck so cycled down to the harbour and walked along to watch it being unloaded, something Lynn has wanted to do, I’m just relieved we didn’t have to get up at 5am to see it!

We then cycled up the really steep hill from the harbour and went off across the adjoining parkland to see where the tracks would lead us. Unfortunately they were very sandy in places, which made interesting riding or should I say walking as it was like trying to cycle through quicksand! Yet the locals drive across them in their small family cars! As this wasn’t taking us anywhere we returned to the harbour entrance and sat watching the boats come and go whilst having our lunch. I think the phrase “This is the life” may have been mentioned!

The cycle back was slightly harder as it was uphill and into the wind. It was also warm, when we got back to the van which is sheltered the temperature was 77! So we recuperated sitting in the sun for a while, before walking to the shop to get some fresh bread.

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