Wednesday 30 March 2011

Friday 25th March 2011

Spent the day exploring the area on the bikes, cycled along the seafront which has been recently rebuilt with a wide pedestrian and cycle lane stretching all the way along and has restaurant bars every few 100 yards. The town isn’t much to write home about but the seafront is very nice. We then cycled down to the small harbour where the ferry goes from. The road from the town to the harbour has a cycle lane all the way and some very nice houses along it. But the harbour is very run down and not the sort of place you want to spend any time in. It seems a strange area as you have really poor and run down parts and then in amongst it you have very nice large houses and people driving big Audis etc.

During the night we had our first problem of the trip with local youths. It was about 1130pm and we were in bed when we heard a group of lads walking past along the road behind us. We’d heard others but this lot stopped behind us and were very excited, drunk? The next thing we knew was bangs on the back and roof of the van, the b****s were throwing stones at us! By the time we got out of the van they had gone, not that I could have done anything as there is a high wire fence between us and the entrance is some way off. Bring back flogging I say!

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