Friday 25 March 2011

Wednesday 16th March 2011

Had a cooked breakfast this morning which was just as well as Dave stopped by to check we were still up for a bike ride. The fact that Paul had gracefully declined should have been a clue! Dave is a serious off road cyclist who goes out most days for at least a couple of hours of hard riding! Still we thought it would be good to find some of the local tracks.

We set off, oh yes Lynn and Sarah came too and after leaving the camp made our way up a long hill with mostly half built houses on either side, apparently they have been like this for years. As usual, all the roads and lighting are there, but only a few houses were inhabited. We stopped halfway up for a breather and then set off again. At the top we made our way along a track through scrub land past a goat herder and dogs, didn’t even look at us until Lynn came past and obviously upset them! By now it was obvious Dave normally went a bit quicker! We thought we were heading for the lighthouse but when we reached the coast we were much further along the coast. Dave offered us the choice of going further up the coast or heading back via a cove? We decided to head back via the cove which was stunning. On the way back we rode along a rough track and through some large puddles, all I could hear from some distance behind was screams and laughing! The girls seemed to enjoy that part!

We eventually got back to the camp, fairly exhausted but feeling very pleased with ourselves for managing to do in two hours what would normally last us a day!

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