Thursday 17 March 2011

Saturday 12th March 2011

Spent the day around the camp and in the evening went to the restaurant as there was entertainment and a Brazilian BBQ. We got there about 7.15pm and ordered the BBQ which also meant we could help ourselves to the buffet, oh yes more giant prawns! The pace was filling up and two large long tables had been set up, one for the club rally which was on site and the other for a large group of local women of all ages. We began with the buffet and the prawns before waiting for our BBQ. It was the same as the restaurant in Chelmsford, you help yourself to salad or veg and the waiter brings round the meat on skewers. On your table you have a wooden block painted red and green, if you want more meat you have the green upper most if you have had enough you turn it upside down so the red is showing. From our table we could see the guy marinating and cooking the meat, when it was cooked he brought it to your table and served you from the skewer. We quickly realised we were the only ones having the BBQ everyone else was just having the buffet. This meant the chef was cooking just for us! We must have eaten 5 or 6 different types of meat, all of which was delicious, but the beef was incredible. He also cooked a whole pineapple for us to go with the pork and he cooked some more to have as a desert. To go with the meal we had some carafes of local red wine, which was good, but as soon as it was empty the waiter brought another one! Needless to say the walk home (albeit short) was entertaining! Throughout the evening they had a guy playing a guitar and singing. He was quite good and got most people up dancing, including us, so it was a really good evening. Towards the end he did some samba and the group of local women got up and danced, I didn’t realise a bum could move that quickly!

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