Sunday 6 February 2011

Thursday 3rd February 2011

Sunny but windy morning, up earlier as we want to leave at 10am. Finished the packing, said our goodbyes and with a little manoeuvring managed to get out of the pitch and away. Nice and easy straightforward journey past Gibraltar to the next campsite on the coast by Trafalgar, site of Nelsons famous victory. Did you know to preserve his body on the journey back to England they kept it in a barrel of brandy! No neither did Lynn and Sarah, or the other interesting facts I told them!

On the way to our campsite we passed Tarifa, which is one of the major crossings to Morocco, which we could see in the distance. We didn’t go through the town, but the beaches after it looked great and there were lots of Wind & Kite surfing schools along the beach road, as well as hostels. Most looked closed for the winter but I bet it’s very popular in the summer. We passed a really nice looking campsite on the beach side of the road with cycle paths from it, so we turned round (eventually) and went in. They had a pitch, but wanted 31 euros a night! We declined and left.  

Arrived at our planned site, Camping Pinar San Jose, a Cat 1 and just over half the price of the other one! Really friendly receptionist who gave us loads of maps and info about the area. Nice grassy pitch overlooking the woods of a natural park, slightly in the shade but with hard standing to park on. Water, waste, electric and TV point on the pitch. As it was such a lovely afternoon after lunch we walked down to the beach which is fabulous and along to the lighthouse at Trafalgar point. It was around 5.30pm when we left the beach and it was still warm and sunny. Having walked further than intended, we stopped off at a small local bar for a quick much needed drink! 

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