Monday 21 February 2011

Monday 21st February 2011

After breakfast we unloaded the bikes and set off to explore the local area. We found a track down to the beach, which runs alongside the camp and has a lake on its other side. But unfortunately just before you got to the beach it was flooded, so we had to backtrack. We then found a route that takes you round to the other side of lake and then through some woods. This is a great route and we stopped and had a walk along the beach collecting some shells for Sarah. There were a few people out walking or fishing but on the whole it was very quiet.

We came across some really lovely houses set in there own grounds and with landscaped garden etc, then further along we cycled past a very nice looking golf course which had a very exclusive looking housing estate set in it. I had the feeling you’d need a lot of money to buy a house here!

After lunch outside, we sat enjoying the sun before Sarah started her packing. She’s off home tomorrow and Matthews coming here for a week. We decided to go for a hire car which they dropped off yesterday as they were busy today, as it will make things easier than trying to catch buses etc at 6am! Really looking forward to seeing Matt but it will seem strange without Sarah.

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