Sunday 13 February 2011

Friday 11th February 2011

Set off on the bikes to have a look around the natural park. Cycled down to Canos de Meca again but took the road towards Barbate which leads you to the main park entrance. But as you leave Canos you encounter a very long, steep winding hill, it must be at least a mile long and very steep! Needless to say we ended up walking a lot of it! Sarah adopted a novel idea of cycling slowly until a car came up behind and then trying to get a push from the car!

Eventually we made it and recovered our breath in the park entrance. We then set off through the park to see the watch tower, which was a little disappointing and then the view point which was worth the effort!

Once we had got back on the main track it was rough but downhill, much to everyone relief! It was surprising that despite being out of breath from the trek there the girls still managed to scream and laugh their way down as they bounced over the rocks and avoided the numerous pot holes!

Having learned our lesson last time we decided not to try and find our way home through the park but stuck to the road! We returned to the van about 5.30pm, exhausted but pleased with ourselves and the views we had seen, a great way to spend the afternoon.

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