Wednesday 8 June 2011

1st – 3rd June 2011 (part 1)

Wow what a few days! Carol & Chris flew out and joined us on Tuesday arriving late afternoon. They had booked a hire car and were really lucky getting a nice new Picasso, which had lots of gadgets, like an electric hand break and flappy paddle gearbox! But as the hire car rep explained “It’s Simples!” hey guys!!!!!

Wednesday we decided to head south along the coast to St Tropez, passing loads of lovely bays and fabulous villas in the hills. With superb navigation from Chris we easily found St Tropez and a car park. I think we had expected more high rise apartments but it really has managed to keep its old charm, with lots of lovely alleys and arches leading to the sea. Carol made straight for the marina and the yachts, on the way Chris and I tried to pick up a souvenir! (photo to follow)

The marina was busy with boats coming and going and was filled with beautiful sailing and motor yachts,  but moored down the side were four huge motor yachts, three registered in George Town. They were very showy, Chris spotted one which even had its ladders designed by Armani, you can tell a man who mixes in those sort of circles!

We walked round to the cafes and had a coffee watching the comings and goings on the posh yachts, it was great people watching. Afterwards we wandered around the town and then made our way back to the car and set off down the coast again. This time we drove up through the hills and past the gates leading to the villas set up there. Chris took great delight in winding Sarah up about the drop and hairpin bends! We stopped off in Cavalaire sur Mer a nice beach resort town and had a drink in a bar Carol thought was inspired by the Flintstones!

On our way back we stopped at a local restaurant (good spot Carol) and had a really great meal, despite the waitress not speaking any English and our tourist French! It began with a tomato/ olive and tuna paste with French bread, then a large salad after which it was Salmon or Veal in a wonderful pepper sauce. Deserts were ice cream, some couldn’t resist ordering three different flavours which was fun, or a chocolate flan with chocolate ice cream. All washed down with a good local rose, brilliant!

We got back to the camp just after 10pm but managed a drink and a few hands of cards…………….. ok ok the girls won! Well if you play long enough it was bound to happen at some point, plus they had “Card sharp” Sarah. We also discovered Carol likes “Limoncino” a creamy lemon liquor, which goes down very easily!

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