Monday 27 June 2011

10 - 12th June 2011

Had a good run northwards to our next camp by a lake in Comoranche sur Saone, and whilst the pitches were smaller and mostly occupied, the camp owned the lake so we could at least get to it. As Monday is a bank holiday the camp was very busy with lots of French holidaymakers as well as tourers like ourselves.

Over the next couple of days we cycled to the nearest town with a supermarket where we did some shopping and explored a little of the area on the way back. The river Rhone runs through here and there are lots of streams and canals with small rowing boats on it and water lilies, very picturesque. Then Sunday we followed a cycle route off a map from the camp and spent the day cycling around the local villages, which were very pretty and well kept. Outside these were some wonderful old buildings and farm houses, it seems very prosperous and farming here is still obviously very profitable! Whilst having lunch sitting by the entrance to the local château we saw a convoy of Ferrari’s go past, at least 12 or more, very impressive. Equally impressive was the local tandem cycling club that past us, around twenty or more couples all on tandems wearing their professional cycling gear and having a good chat as they cruised along!

We returned to the camp around 5pm, fairly tired having covered 35k a lot of which was on tracks through woods or across fields, so we felt pretty chuffed with ourselves! The routes could have taken us almost to Switzerland, if we’d been so inclined, they really do put the effort and money into providing well marked cycle routes here.

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