Sunday 14 November 2010

Tuesday 9th November 2010

Windy but sunny day so set of for a bike ride along the coast. We retraced our route from Monday and marvelled at how quiet everywhere was. As we left the promenade we cycled inland a little to find a new part of the town being built (well it was at one time!). It had a new road layout complete with cycle paths and street lighting, blocks of apartments that looked completed but totally empty, one started but now left and a couple of signs advertising new build, but not started. It was a ghost town and reminded us of the B movies when everyone has been killed and only one man and his dog survived!
We worked our way further along the coast into the next town on the coast and this seemed even more deserted, new housing estate but very little evidence of occupation or life! It seemed rather sad/creepy so we left! Back to Moncofa and some signs of life.
Back at the van we sat outside enjoying the sun and some delicious cakes we’d bought on our way back. We were then joined by a nice guy from the “Brit enclave” at the top end of the site, who stopped by for a chat ( ie dispatched by wife to find out the gossip). He explained that they had been coming here for ten years and now they were retired stayed most of the year, but when we asked about the changes to the town and the “ghost town” a mile or so away, he looked confused and didn’t know. We got the feeling he didn’t stray far from the camp!  He then asked when we were leaving as we could go and join the other Brits (this despite him thinking I was an Aussie!) at the top of the site where they had 10 amps! We explained that unfortunately we were leaving tomorrow.

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