Monday 29 November 2010

Friday 26th November 2010

Left our pitch by 9.30am and managed without too much trouble to get out of the side road where the pitches were. It was very tight getting in with us having to “pinch” a bit of a Germans pitch in order to get the van round, but on the way out we didn’t have that luxury as in front of us was a garden wall! Still Sarah & Lynn are well practiced at getting Bella very close to things and guiding me out of tight spots!

We had a good run down the coast but had to use the toll road as not to, would have meant a really long detour. The toll road takes you over, round and through the hills that cover this area and must have been a mammoth task in completing, the 12 euros toll fee was worth it! The scenery was great and we came across whole plains (set between the hills and coast) covered in plastic greenhouses! Massive tunnels covering acres producing fresh fruit and veg all year round, so when you buy your fresh tomatoes from Tesco’s in January this is probably where they have come from.
We found the campsite easily enough despite the distinct lack of road signs on the roundabouts! It’s set in a natural park which gives it, its name “Cabo De Gata” and looks good from first impressions. Here for a few nights hopefully to explore the area if the weather picks up, very cloudy and a little cold with some rain. Maybe just preparing us for home!

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