Tuesday 2 November 2010

Tuesday 2nd November 2010 (2)

Sunday was “Halloween” and the site was busy with Spanish families. We had a Spanish motorhome next to us with what turned out to be grandparents. By late afternoon there were nineteen family members around the tables eating and drinking. This was followed by group singing to guitar, which made for a great atmosphere. But as the drink flowed the more the singing slipped of key! By the evening most of the children on the site were dressed up and having a ball doing trick or treat around the chalets! Chris you missed a great opportunity!
Monday was a bank holiday and had the XXXX weather to go with it! The Spanish (mostly hungover!) spent the morning saying their goodbyes and departing. We gave Bella a good clean inside and out  before sorting out where we were going to head to next. We’d like to get some LPG as we’ve used one tank and have started the second, with LPG in short supply here its best to keep topped up. We had thought we would have to go back on the motorway to north of Barcelona, where one of the services is shown as selling it. But I think I’ve found a garage that has it near the airport which is considerably shorter, we’ll see! In the evening we decided to cheer ourselves up and head for the bar and a game of cards! We’d been playing an hour or so when we got roped into playing, wait for it……………… yep bloody BINGO! Stop laughing! After a couple of Spanish brandies it didn’t seem so bad!
Tuesday was just like being home after a bank holiday. Blazing sunshine! It’s been a lovely day really hot and even the breeze is warm. We caught the bus into Villanova as we needed to get some cash out and I needed to find a dentist as a filling seemed to have come loose, great! The camp reception had given us details of a dentist but it wasn’t where they had marked the map, so we chose one in the high street. They were excellent, very friendly and the dentist spoke enough English to get by. We only had to wait round 20mins before he saw me and said the filling was fine but I had an infection in the gum, gave me a prescription for antibiotics etc and said I should be fine. Much nicer (and cheaper) than the one we use at home!
Spent the rest of the morning rambling up and down, or should that be down and up Las Rambles, anyway had lunch sitting in the sun at a pavement café before heading for the bus. Oh yes, Sarah bought some new tops in a really nice (expensive) shop, she looks very Spanish in it! Early xmas presents!
On return to the camp it was so warm we spent the afternoon swimming and sunbathing! This is very strange for the 2nd Nov! But really really great!! As it’s our last night here we had takeaway chicken and chips, delicious! Setting off for Peniscole tomorrow, will update as soon as we can. Bye for now, Lynn Rob & Sarah.

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