Thursday 14 October 2010

Wednesday 6th October 2010

Tuesday 5th October
Walked into the town (5mins) and bought fresh bread and Pain au chocolat for breakfast. Left nice and early and made our way towards Narbonne. The Aire was situated on the east side of town and wasn’t easy to get to. We had a cunning plan! Came through Narbonne from the north and headed east only to find the road we wanted was blocked “Diversion”, and the others Sally Sat Nav suggested were like farm tracks! Continued away from Narbonne for a while before turning round and heading back into Narbonne. This time we found the signs for the area we wanted and the Sat Nav kept it’s signal, driving through the city was interesting! Found the aire by a sports stadium, with a cycle track/footpath into the centre along the canal which only took ten minutes.
Spent the afternoon in lovely sunshine (high 70’s) walking around Narbonne, great walk in and very historic centre. Found a hairdressers in a small square and booked Lynn in for tomorrow! Returned to the van to watch the locals run round the sports field, some of them were very serious runners. Also rugby training taking place, Lynn enjoyed watching them!
Walked into the centre and left Lynn at the hairdressers whilst Sarah and I had explored the back streets, where we found the street with the expensive boutiques . Sarah enjoyed looking in them and found a lovely dress, asked how much, 275 euros! OK, moving swiftly on! Returned to collect Lynn who had managed to avoid getting her hair dyed orange! She had been out for a few minutes and had been asked by a group of students to assist with their task of seeing how many people they could get in a plastic hoop! You just can’t leave her on her own for a second! Took Lynn back to the boutiques and had a coffee before walking back to the van for lunch. Afternoon spent looking round some shops, food shopping and sitting in the sun with a glass of wine.

1 comment:

  1. Huh!!

    Well, we survived Ofsted!! Think all Priory staff will be sleeping the whole weekend!! You successfully avoided it, as you hoped you would, Lynn!! Love Chris
