Saturday 2 October 2010

Saturday 2nd October 2010

Saturday 2nd september 2010
Spoke too soon, cloudy/windy today and it doesn't look like changing for a couple of days! Went for a walk into the nearby village through the vines. Bought our bread etc and had a look round, small hilltop village, fantastic views. Came back for lunch and scrabble, Lynn now winning by two games! Em where are you! Sarah winning at cards! Chris get your horse moving, this is like "Custers Last Stand" and the indians are getting over confident!! Great to see some more "followers" Lynn says a big "Hi".
Friday 1st September 2010
Arrived at the campsite in lovely sunshine, only four other vans here all in a group, we chose a pitch overlooking the lake on our own! Sitting in the sun drinking wine within 15 mins of pulling onto the pitch! Much warmer than the last campsite, door still open at 8pm, much more like it.
Thursday 30th September
Arrived at the campsite in Le Bastide De Serou on Tuesday and booked three nights. Campsite very quiet, found a large pitch (well using two normal ones!) lovely views, very sunny and near the loos!
Wednesday, we went for a bike ride along a disused railway line, told it had a couple of inclines but was basically flat. It began to go uphill albeit fairly gently from the point we joined it and continued uphill for two to three miles! Fantastic views and a lovely sunny day made up for it. Once we had reached the top we didn’t go far  down the other side as we realised we would have to come back up! Had a picnic lunch near the top and enjoyed the freewheel downhill.
Thursday, cloudy over the hills. Gave “Bella” a clean before going for a walk around the town, following a small map from the reception. Took us past old mills and along the stream that runs through the town and our campsite, about 9k.
Rainy afternoon, so relaxing in the van. Sarah on “SIMS”, Lynn reading and I’m doing the blog and sorting out the photos I’ve taken over the past couple of days. Planned our route to Carcassonne for tomorrow, only one suitable campsite close to it so we’re keeping our fingers crossed it’s OK!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lynn!!
    Well, it's grey and cloudy and wet here as well, you'll be pleased to know!! Sally was impressed that I'd got a photo of us downloaded [uploaded??]. Our lawn that was sporting wide cracks by the end of the summer is now waterlogged!! It's harvest at school this week, so frantic preparations are underway! Don't you miss it all?? Love Chris
