Sunday 17 October 2010

Monday 11th October 2010

After a night of gales, van being rocked and the water levels rising! We had our breakfast, nothing stops the bread man! And left for Narbonne and a dry footing! Arrived at the Aire and pulled up to the barrier, entered our details and waited for the ticket to be issued by the machine and the barrier to raise, you guessed it neither happened! Lynn and Sarah spoke to someone via the help intercom who said they would send someone. We looked at the time, 11.30am, hmmm, unlikely to get anyone here before midday and then it’s a two hour lunch! So we settled in for a long wait! Gradually other vans arrived and with each one we (Lynn, they automatically go to her side!) had to explain why we were sitting there and yes we had gone backwards and forwards to the barrier, put our details in etc etc. We may be English but no we’re not stupid! It was raining now and Lynn was losing her sense of humour, to the point where one particularly irritating women was lucky to escape with her life, and they say I’m the one with the short fuse! A Belgium guy from a large motorhome in the Aire came  over and explained he had reported the fault at 11am that morning and went on to tell the women at the other end of the intercom what he thought of their response! Others tried the same, whilst an Aussie waiting behind us and I discussed the option of just removing the barrier! We decided the local police response would probably be more effective so we settled for lunch, handy when you have your home with you! Around 4pm a guy arrived and asked us to pull forward even closer to the barrier, then tried everything again, still didn’t work. He left and returned with another guy this time in a yellow flori jacket, getting serious! They couldn’t fix it so after some encouragement from the French motor-homers (we now stretched out onto the busy road!) they just raised the barriers and let us in.

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