Thursday 9 September 2010

Thurs 9th Sept 2010

Well the garage has been working on the motorhome at last and we believe has finished, but when the AA phoned them they said it needed testing to see if it had worked and they were not going to do that until tomorrow morning! I get the feeling the mechanic is a descendant of Napoleon and will do things at his speed and not anyone elses! So we're waiting for an update in the morning.

Had a nice dinner with plenty of wine! Some of the french workmen having dinner opposite tried their english, and one set us a mathematical challenge his colleague had been working on for two weeks! When we left we had Sarah google it and then took the answer back to him, he was very surprised and a not a little dissappointed we had solved it! Vive la internet!!


  1. Really enjoying reading your posts and the pictures are lovely. I'm pleased your still having some nice days out and making the most of the french wine - our stock of that is getting low :( Looking forward to hearing you ALL speaking french, especially you dad, hee hee. I'm sure you can't be worse than Nick with his "merci boocoo"!!!
    Everything is going fine here and Matt is starting to help out a bit more :) The girls are growing, both weight over 2kgs now, the vet said they've put on 500gs in 2 weeks lol! He seemed quite impressed!
    Looking forward to reading another post soon,
    Love Em x x x x

  2. Sounds like you are having a lovely time and letting it all wash over you! Guess you can put it down to experience - can you get a phrase book that gives you every European description of the diesel you are looking for!! Give it a couple of weeks and you'll be able to look back and laugh I'm sure! The wine will help too. Great blog - lovely photos - keep it up!!

    Rachel and Peter xx
    PS Next door is fine - still standing!!!!

  3. Sounds like you are having a really good time now that you have sorted out Bella. Pictures look good. Hope your weather is holding as ours isn't. Sad news I'm afraid as Chris's brother passed away 10th Sept so busy sorting arrangements. On a brighter note look forward to your next installments. Good news Danny can stay as a special. Love to you all sue,chris,and the tribexxx
