Monday 27 September 2010

27th September 2010

Saturday 25th September 2010
Spent Wednesday and Thursday at a lovely Aire overlooking a large lake, had lunch at a nearby café (Sarah’s treat) blazing sunshine, great food and smallish carafe of vino to wash it down! (hopefully see photos!). It is taking ages to download each photo and then it won’t load some onto the blog, so we’re not getting them all on, but we will try to get as many as possible, as we’re sure you’d rather look at them than read our dialogue!
Went for a couple of bike rides, one along the edge of the lake and the other about 10-11 K into the nearby town, where we recovered with a beer in the town centre. All along cycle paths off the road!
The Aire had barriers and a ticket machine, we bought a ticket for each day as they last 24hrs. When we came to leave Friday morning we got to the exit and put the second ticket in, but the barrier didn’t move! We tried again and then went and bought another ticket, that didn’t work either! I’d moved over and other “French” motorhomes were leaving without any problems! A small group of French motorhomers had gathered to offer their suggestions, all different and none worked! A French lady who spoke good English phoned the local “Mairie” office who run the site and left a message on the answer machine. We waited until one of the group got fed up and phoned another number for the “Mairie” and spoke to someone, within minutes a women arrived and explained we should have only used one ticket, getting it extended at the machine rather than purchase a new one! She lowered the barrier and waved us on our way, for the group of French helpers the mystery of the English camper van stuck on the Aire was solved!
Had a great journey to the campsite on the west coast near Biarritz, sun coming out and blue skies. Found the site, large impressive entrance and reception. Booked in and told to just choose a pitch and let them know the number. Sounds easy! Once past reception the tarmac roads narrowed, the site was very uneven and the pitches small. We found a couple big enough, the first we nearly got stuck in as it became very sandy just off the track, the second was so uneven and what looked solid ground turned out not to be! With some wheel spinning, lots of swearing and a few prayers about the smell coming from the clutch we escaped! Another English motorhome (small VW) wasn’t so lucky and got stuck for a while. Oh and during all this it decided to pour with rain and blow a gale! Lynn decided the gods were telling us to leave, so we did! Decided to head inland to a place called Dax, which according to the book had a lovely Aire.
Good journey to Dax but found a very busy city, rush hour traffic etc. Joined a queue going through the city, never got out of first gear! Gave suitable advice to old man who preferred walking in the road to the perfectly good pavement!! Dealt with diversions off main route, Police cars with one small blue light on top, who has a Renault Clio as an unmarked car for goodness sake? Well the French do! Eventually came across the “lovely Aire” right on the busiest roundabout in the city!! We left Dax as quickly as possible and then pulled over to find a place to stop for the night.
Found campsite just outside Salies De- Bearn, which we found fairly easily. Lovely small site in the Pyrenees, up a steep drive, but level hardstanding pitches, warm showers too! Saturday walked the 1k downhill into town and explored this historic town which was famous for its salt spa! Had lunch in one of the small squares before the walk back uphill!
Planning to head west now starting with a stop around Lourdes tomorrow!

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