Sunday 5 September 2010

Sunday 5th September 2010

Had a great few days in Paris. Managed to find our way in using bus, metro and not so fluent French! Friday morning we visited the masters in the Louvre- the Mona Lisa has a lovely smile but the Venus de Milo looks odd without her arm! We resisted spending along the Champs Elysees, 8.50 Euros for a diet coke!

On Saturday the bus driver actually understood us and we arrived in Paris in record time. As we had walked quite a way on Friday we decided to make great use of the Batobus. Loved walking around/ under the Eiffel Tower but couldn’t bring ourselves to go up. SO high! Had baguette lunch soaking up the sun near the tower and Sarah and I then did plenty of people watching while Rob practised his snoring techniques!

Sunday- sat on wrong train for ages while others went past (we weren’t the only ones!) Once realised mistake we managed to arrive in Paris for our last exploration. Had a good look around Notre Dame and enjoyed looking, or rather spending , in the small surrounding shops (Sarah and I couldn’t resist the ear-rings). Then we spent a leisurely time having Sunday lunch overlooking the Seine.

Now back in our room hoping that tomorrow we will have good news about “Bella” and that we will be back on our travels enjoying the great weather.

Not sure when we will next have internet access but we will continue our updates as soon as possible.

1 comment:

  1. The pictures are great, Dover campsite looked really nice! It's fun trying to spot the flying pig in the Bella shots :)
    Fingers crossed for tomorrow...this is definitely you set for the year now!!

    Em x x x
