Monday 27 September 2010

27th September 2010

Hi guys, making the most of the free wifi and updating with todays visit to Lourdes! Thanks for all the comments it's great to read them. Mac if you're reading this thanks for putting the bins out!

Arrived at the campsite just on the outskirts of Lourdes yesterday, uneventful trip and the camp is grassy and level, bloody marvellous!

Walked into Lourdes today (yes in sunshine again) Lynn says I have to say sorry for that! So "sorry". The church and cave are great, very peaceful and in a fabulous location with the river running by it and the mountains as a back drop. However the town you walk through to get to it is like Southend seafront on steriods! Had a great time walking round the chapels and you can actually walk into the cave where Bernadette is supposed to have had her visions and collected the water with healing powers, this has been kept very simple. You can sense the reverence the people coming here hold it in.

Had a lovely lunch just outside the religious area, overlooking the mountains etc. Hoping to add some photos below! Will update again as soon as we can.

27th September 2010

Saturday 25th September 2010
Spent Wednesday and Thursday at a lovely Aire overlooking a large lake, had lunch at a nearby cafĂ© (Sarah’s treat) blazing sunshine, great food and smallish carafe of vino to wash it down! (hopefully see photos!). It is taking ages to download each photo and then it won’t load some onto the blog, so we’re not getting them all on, but we will try to get as many as possible, as we’re sure you’d rather look at them than read our dialogue!
Went for a couple of bike rides, one along the edge of the lake and the other about 10-11 K into the nearby town, where we recovered with a beer in the town centre. All along cycle paths off the road!
The Aire had barriers and a ticket machine, we bought a ticket for each day as they last 24hrs. When we came to leave Friday morning we got to the exit and put the second ticket in, but the barrier didn’t move! We tried again and then went and bought another ticket, that didn’t work either! I’d moved over and other “French” motorhomes were leaving without any problems! A small group of French motorhomers had gathered to offer their suggestions, all different and none worked! A French lady who spoke good English phoned the local “Mairie” office who run the site and left a message on the answer machine. We waited until one of the group got fed up and phoned another number for the “Mairie” and spoke to someone, within minutes a women arrived and explained we should have only used one ticket, getting it extended at the machine rather than purchase a new one! She lowered the barrier and waved us on our way, for the group of French helpers the mystery of the English camper van stuck on the Aire was solved!
Had a great journey to the campsite on the west coast near Biarritz, sun coming out and blue skies. Found the site, large impressive entrance and reception. Booked in and told to just choose a pitch and let them know the number. Sounds easy! Once past reception the tarmac roads narrowed, the site was very uneven and the pitches small. We found a couple big enough, the first we nearly got stuck in as it became very sandy just off the track, the second was so uneven and what looked solid ground turned out not to be! With some wheel spinning, lots of swearing and a few prayers about the smell coming from the clutch we escaped! Another English motorhome (small VW) wasn’t so lucky and got stuck for a while. Oh and during all this it decided to pour with rain and blow a gale! Lynn decided the gods were telling us to leave, so we did! Decided to head inland to a place called Dax, which according to the book had a lovely Aire.
Good journey to Dax but found a very busy city, rush hour traffic etc. Joined a queue going through the city, never got out of first gear! Gave suitable advice to old man who preferred walking in the road to the perfectly good pavement!! Dealt with diversions off main route, Police cars with one small blue light on top, who has a Renault Clio as an unmarked car for goodness sake? Well the French do! Eventually came across the “lovely Aire” right on the busiest roundabout in the city!! We left Dax as quickly as possible and then pulled over to find a place to stop for the night.
Found campsite just outside Salies De- Bearn, which we found fairly easily. Lovely small site in the Pyrenees, up a steep drive, but level hardstanding pitches, warm showers too! Saturday walked the 1k downhill into town and explored this historic town which was famous for its salt spa! Had lunch in one of the small squares before the walk back uphill!
Planning to head west now starting with a stop around Lourdes tomorrow!

Tuesday 21 September 2010

21st september 2010

This is the view from our van parked in the Aire at Montange Sur Gironde, great spot ithe electric and free wifi! All the pitches are down one side of the marina. Arrived around 1pm in blazing sunshine so spent the afternoon having lunch in a restaurant on the other side of the marina. We're still full!
This is Lynn and Sarah after lunch, restaurant in the background.

Whilst weather is good we're sticking to the coast heading around Bordeaux tomorrow. Writing this at 8.30pm and it's still 70 outside! Thanks for all the comments, its great to read them.

Saturday 18 September 2010


Bray Sur Seine

Saturday 18th September 2010

Friday 10th September 2010
We’re back on the road!!! Gave up waiting for the AA to call so called them, to be told the garage had fixed the van but needed to run some more tests so another hours labour! We packed, planned our route and walked up to the garage to get there just before 12 and the start of their 2 hour lunch break! The garage reception still didn’t know whether it was ready or which day of the week it was! They made more phone calls to the “Napoleonic” mechanic, who was just leaving for lunch, yes the van was ready! We paid, grabbed our keys and left, it was like rush hour as everyone left for their lunch! We drove the van back to the hotel and picked up our numerous bags, said our goodbyes (see photo) and left!
Needed fuel so stopped and nervously filled her up! Then made our way out of the Paris area and along some lovely country roads. Lynn and the Sat Nav had a disagreement over the route to our overnight stop! Lynn overruled the Sat Nav only to be outdone later on, I feel this is just the start of a battle of the navigators!!
Found our Aire in Bray sur Seine, right on the river (see photo)! Quickly set up and had some lunch before walking into the small town, very old with lots of little alleys. Found a supermache where we bought enough dinners for a few days and a nice bottle of local wine! Got back and sat infront of the van by the river in glorious sunshine, drinking the wine and eating French sausage! A few vans are here, including a couple of English. May stay another night and go for a bike ride along the canal tomorrow. Found a map with cycle routes on it, looks good.
Saturday 11th September 2010
Woke up to another lovely sunny day so decided to stay another night! Sat by the van overlooking the river with a morning cup of tea! After breakfast decided to empty the waste water and fill her up with fresh. Began manoeuvring only to be queue jumped by a small Belgium van! Considered ramming him but overruled by the crew! After completing the “Pitstop” I know we can get quicker! We parked the van overlooking the river again and set off on a bike ride along the river and through some local villages. The river views were lovely (see photos) and we had lunch in a park by the river. Some of the terrain was interesting, more off road assault course than leisurely cycle ride! But we enjoyed it.
Sat by the van having a beer and planning our route for tomorrow. We plan to head towards Orleans and stay at a campsite for a couple of nights, as there don’t appear to be any suitable Aires in the area. It may also give us wifi!

Sunday 12th September 2010
Writing this sitting on a bench the next to our pitch in the sun, with a glass of wine and some sausage, this is the life!
Packed up this morning in some sunshine but with rain clouds looming. Made our way out of town and onto A19, unfortunately neither the map or the Sat Nav had the new road layout where we expected to come off it! We stayed on the A19 for some distance before escaping onto D roads which took us through some lovely countryside and villages. By now the rain had arrived. Found our campsite at the first attempt right on the Loire. Booked in using the ASCI card and the receptionist didn’t charge for Sarah! Able to choose our own pitch, site fairly quiet, which was lucky as not many would easily take “Bella”. Those outfits that are here are mostly Dutch, with a couple of Brits and French. By the time we had finished lunch, the sun had come out and the rain had stopped. Decided to go for bike ride along the Loire (see photos). Visited the local chateau just across the river, which was lovely and seemed to have connections to Henry IV? Auction taking place in one of its large rooms with items going for 2000 euros, had to keep an eye on Lynn who was getting rather excited!
Unfortunately the site office is closed and we can’t seem to find the wifi as shown in the book! Intend to ring home to say hi and will post this as soon as we can.

Monday 13th September 2010
Had a leisurely breakfast outside, before cycling into Sully sur Loire which was packed due to market day. It’s amazing you get the same “Quality stuff” in market wherever you are! The food produce did look good though. Having explored the town and still not found a supermarket, Lynn asked for directions in perfect French and received them the same! Unfortunately this meant nothing! She returned with notes and diagrams which after a quick tour of the town again brought us flawlessly to the small supermarket, voila! Spent the afternoon sitting in the sun or going for a walk along the river.
Tuesday 14th September 2010
Left the camp and followed the Loire heading west towards the coast. Lynn got us to one of the Chateau I had found in the guide book, chateau Chambord (see Photos). We only intended to stop for a short while but it was so interesting we stayed all afternoon and had a really good look around. This was the seat of the royal kings over different generations and had spiral staircases believed to have been designed by Leonardo Di Vinci! Incredible views from the upper levels where you could go outside and walk around the roof areas. Lynn enjoyed this immensely, Sarah and I not so sure!!
When we came to leave the ticket machine (which measures the length of your vehicle) wanted to charge us 30 euros, the same as the coaches! We went back to the information desk where we spoke to the English women working there! She sorted the ticket out and charged us the 6 euros we were expecting! We left and drove along the Loire through some very pretty villages and in glorious sunshine! The temperature outside was hitting high 70’s low 80’s! eventually found an Aire just outside a small town, Athee sur Cher.
Wed 15th September 2010
Woke up to grey skies and rain, what a change! Found a supermarket on route, so filled up with food and fuel. The diesel is cheaper than home but the food more expensive! Sarah cooking tonight as it’s our wedding anniversary, bought a large bottle of local red wine to go with Sarah’s “Duck with red berries”.
Had a quick lunch overlooking the Loire river before heading to our Aire. Sat Nav took us along the river before going cross country and through a military training area! Nice Aire set amongst the trees on the edge of a small town, Le Courdray Macourd. Now where’s that wine?
Thursday 16th September 2010
Had a good run towards our next Aire and as the town was on the map, Lynn decided to navigate without the Sat Nav as it looked straight forward and the town we wanted was actually on the map! All went well until we reached a town not far from our destination but couldn’t find either the road or town we wanted! Decided to switch on Sat Nav, which quickly found the road we wanted then took us off onto a small lane which got smaller and smaller until we reached a small hamlet and couldn’t go anything further due to our width! Had to do some tight reversing during which the entire local population decided to drive through! Switched off Sat Nav and made our way back to the bigger road and Lynn got us to the Aire in Coulon.
Lovely town, very very pretty with small canal/rivers hence the name “Green Venice”. After lunch went off on a bike ride along the canals (see photos) and through some local villages, great countryside with marked walking and cycling trails. Spent nearly 3 hours cycling around and thoroughly enjoyed it. Should make the coast tomorrow and plan to stay in a campsite over the weekend so we can get internet access!
PS dinner last night was fabulous, Sarah did a great job!

Friday 17th September 2010
Left the Aire early,  0930hrs ( crew did a slick pit stop!) and had a great journey towards the coast, the sun coming out as we got closer.  Found the bridge onto the “lle d’ Oleron”, small island only 35k by 12k. Managed to the aire at Bouyardville, overlooks Fort Bouyard from the TV series, only to find it closed! This meant some reversing and muttering! Decided to head for the campsite a day early, had some trouble finding it, poor directions, lack of sign posts and a French builder blocking most of the lane with his truck who insisted we could get by, until he saw the van! Even then he measured the width of van and the gap he’d left by walking them, only to be forced to acknowledge it wouldn’t fit! Mum did brilliant in her negotiations I sat in the van and called him a few choice names!
Found the site which is great, only just fitted through entrance and managed to reverse into the pitch, a bit tight (see photo)! Had lunch in the sun and went for a walk around the camp and out the back across the dunes onto the beach. Brilliant!
If the weathers good we’re going to try the pool in the afternoon and buy some wifi time which we can access from the bar area! Oh what a shame!

Thursday 9 September 2010

Thurs 9th Sept 2010

Well the garage has been working on the motorhome at last and we believe has finished, but when the AA phoned them they said it needed testing to see if it had worked and they were not going to do that until tomorrow morning! I get the feeling the mechanic is a descendant of Napoleon and will do things at his speed and not anyone elses! So we're waiting for an update in the morning.

Had a nice dinner with plenty of wine! Some of the french workmen having dinner opposite tried their english, and one set us a mathematical challenge his colleague had been working on for two weeks! When we left we had Sarah google it and then took the answer back to him, he was very surprised and a not a little dissappointed we had solved it! Vive la internet!!

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Wed 8th sept 2010

Well we're still here, by that I mean at the hotel! The AA assistance are now dealing with the garage (and getting equally frustrated, not answering the phone, 2 hour lunch breaks!). Yesterday we went for a walk through the village, had lunch sitting in the sun in a park near a school, brought back memories for Lynn! Had a lovely walk along a canal all the way back to the hotel. Sarah was convinced we were lost! Hopefully I'll add a photo! This morning we walked to the garage only to be told they had spoken to the "assistance" who would ring us, it was obvious the reception staff didn't want to tell us they still hadn't touched the van and weren't going to until tomorrow! The AA phoned and explained the garage would drop the fuel tank, drain and flush the system and hopefully that would do the trick! But not until tomorrow! Still we collected some fresh clothes from the van and made our way back to the hotel to book another night. The hotel staff have been great and made us a coffee to cheer us up! Thanks for sending the rain over Matt, still warm and looking brighter now so may go for a walk. Lynn and Sarah's french improving rapidly! I'm improving..........slowly! Keeping our fingers crossed for tomorrow, bye for now!

Sunday 5 September 2010


Dover Campsite!


Sunday 5th September 2010

Had a great few days in Paris. Managed to find our way in using bus, metro and not so fluent French! Friday morning we visited the masters in the Louvre- the Mona Lisa has a lovely smile but the Venus de Milo looks odd without her arm! We resisted spending along the Champs Elysees, 8.50 Euros for a diet coke!

On Saturday the bus driver actually understood us and we arrived in Paris in record time. As we had walked quite a way on Friday we decided to make great use of the Batobus. Loved walking around/ under the Eiffel Tower but couldn’t bring ourselves to go up. SO high! Had baguette lunch soaking up the sun near the tower and Sarah and I then did plenty of people watching while Rob practised his snoring techniques!

Sunday- sat on wrong train for ages while others went past (we weren’t the only ones!) Once realised mistake we managed to arrive in Paris for our last exploration. Had a good look around Notre Dame and enjoyed looking, or rather spending , in the small surrounding shops (Sarah and I couldn’t resist the ear-rings). Then we spent a leisurely time having Sunday lunch overlooking the Seine.

Now back in our room hoping that tomorrow we will have good news about “Bella” and that we will be back on our travels enjoying the great weather.

Not sure when we will next have internet access but we will continue our updates as soon as possible.

Saturday 4th September 2010

Well its been an interesting few days! Not quite what we had planned! We got off to a good start on Wed (seems so long ago!) short drive to the ferry where we drove straight on to an earlier ferry, didn’t even get time to put the headlamp deflectors on. Said our farewells to England as the ferry left Dover, then had our last English Breakfast for a while, so made it a big one! Good crossing and no customs/Immigration at French end! Picked up the motorway to Paris and set off.

Made good time and decided to stop and fill up with diesel just outside Paris so we wouldn’t have to worry when we left. Pulled into service station and due to our height had to go to the lorry pumps. Found the ones marked Diesel and worked out how to operate the pump. It only put in 1/3 of a litre so we planned to move it to another pump. I began to move the van whilst Lynn went into the kiosk to explain. Big mistake! I pulled forward and the van coughed and died! Now between the pumps exit and their favourite parking places! We the found out the diesel was an organic version or something for some lorries! The garage staff were very helpful and called a mechanic who they said would suck out the wrong stuff and get us on our way. After 30mins a large recovery arrived and we explained the problem. Long story short, he did nothing for an hour and a half said someone else was coming to fix us. Then wanted 400 euros before rushing off to an accident! French lorry drivers getting really “peed off” with the stupid English blocking there route!

After a few mins another recovery truck arrived who spoke some English, we again explained the problem, he said it was very bad, couldn’t be fixed here and needed to go to a garage. He towed us, very slowly to his yard where we had trouble getting the van in, due to the low ground clearance! The owner agreed we would not have to pay for the first recovery driver, but charged us 500 euros for the second! We did argue but to no avail and speaking to the AA this is the going rate for anything our size! The AA aren’t allowed to operate on the motorways or service areas it’s only those garages authorised by the police!!!! They wouldn’t let us stay in the van in their yard so towed us back out and into a lorry park next door, where we spent the night.

Managed to get through to the AA who were great, but couldn’t do anything until the morning. Updates from them the following morning suggested we may have to wait two days for a specialist recovery truck! But in the afternoon the “competent” recovery driver returned and explained the AA had asked them to move us to the garage. Which he did again very slowly, but got us there in one piece. Relief!

The garage was a large IVECO dealership that specialises in Fiats and is authorised to work on motorhomes, great they know what they are doing! Really really helpful and friendly, but couldn’t do anything until Monday when the technician returns from holiday! Apparently the stuff we put in is “very bad” and all the injectors etc have to be checked! A French couple in there having their motorhome serviced offered to take us to a local hotel. They even called their daughter who teaches English. She interpreted for us and after grabbing a few things from the van we went in search of a hotel. The daughter found us a nice but cheap one! They couldn’t have been more helpful.

We decided that, as we were here, we would try and make the best of it and see Paris as planned, plus when we pick up the van and leave we want to head into the country for some peace and quiet ! The next instalment will be by Sarah about PARIS, and should be a more positive one and may even have some pictures!

Thursday 2 September 2010

Tuesday 31st August 2010

Just a quick thank you to everyone who braved the weather to come to the BBQ on Sunday! It was really great to see you all and make it such a special “Farewell”. I don’t know about you but I thought the boys did a fantastic job with the BBQ and enabled us to have a chat. Hope you all had enough to eat and drink, the beer in the barrels seemed very popular! Thank you so much for the gifts, we are enjoying the wine and the huge bag of sweets from Sandi & Ian was, according to the girls, a touch of genius! We must also say a big thank you to Mac for the loan of the Gazebo and all his help, it really was a life saver with the weather and great entertainment putting it up! All you need is a bottle of 57% single malt and it’s a piece of cake!! Whilst we’re saying thank you, we have to thank Peter and Rachel for the loan of their drive as well as Neil and Frankie for letting us store the van at theirs. It made life so much easier.

Well the day has finally arrived; Matt and I collected the van and filled her up with diesel, before taking her home to load the final bits and pieces. With all the storage space I didn’t think we would fill her but we have! The weather was kind for a change, must be the end of the school holidays! After spending the morning packing we took the first of our tour photos, said our farewells and began our adventure! All the way to darkest Kent! Found the campsite just past a pretty village and via some very narrow lanes! Arrived, chose our pitch, parked, turned the engine off and got the chairs out. Sitting in the sun with a beer within 5mins! This is the way to do it! With practice I think we can get this down to 3! Spent the afternoon planning our route to the Paris campsite, Lynn has promised me no “Arc de Tri”! Opened our prezzies, the photos are a brilliant idea and the books perfectly chosen! No wifi here so can’t update the blog or use skype, will try from Paris.