Saturday 29 January 2011

Wednesday 26th January 2011

The last few days have been wet and windy! The whole of the south of Spain has had bad weather; I think we have been lucky here on the coast as it’s just been cold and rainy, whereas not far inland has had snow! The winds whipped up the sea, we managed a walk down to the beach and watched the waves crashing in. The obligatory “Mad” windsurfers were out in force! The better ones managed to get out over the large waves coming in and then went right out to sea jumping off the wave tops, one or two were so far out you could only just see them! The less experienced ones had trouble getting over the continual waves and spent their time no further than 25m out and being washed further down the beach! They then had to trudge their boards back up along the beach to start again. We had a walk around the marina which was being battered by the waves with some coming over the top defensive wall. Reports in the papers said the fishing fleet had stayed in port due to the high winds!

We’ve managed a few short walks but spent a lot of time in the van which has been really comfortable! More scrabble and cards with Lynn winning the scrabble and Sarah the cards! Last night we had pizza’s in the site bar and they were just as good as the pasta!

With the weather poor all along the coast we have decide to stay here for a few more days. The next campsite is on grass and probably not as sheltered so we are concerned how wet it would be! It also means we get a discount for staying here another week, which we are using to pay for a hire car which we can use to explore the area better. There is a traditional white washed town about an hour away which we want to have a look at and of course Gibraltar. We’ve heard mixed things about Gibraltar so it will be interesting to see for ourselves.

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