Friday 14 January 2011

Friday 14th January 2011

Sitting outside in shorts and Tshirt writing this, we keep forgetting it’s only January!
Another neighbour has a ford van conversion which doesn’t look like its moved in years, which tends to stand out in amongst all the large new German vans in our row. We over heard the woman saying they are moving on after four years, but I’m not convinced the van will start let alone move an inch! Last night they were practising the bongo drums, Lynn and Sarah really got into the rhythm!

After lunch we went for a walk down to the beach which is just a couple of minutes away, it has a natural park behind it and is obviously popular with sunbathers and walkers. After strolling along the beach for a while Lynn spotted a guy standing in the dunes (he was at least 500m away) just off the beach, “Has he got any clothes on?” said Lynn. I had trouble seeing the guy let alone what he was wearing! As we got closer it was obvious he sunbathing in his birthday suit and as we walked along he wasn’t alone! Strangely they were all male and some as was pointed out, obviously worked out a lot! What I couldn’t understand is why you would sit in the sun wearing a Tshirt but no bloody trunks? I ask you! Anyway the beach was lovely and we came across a beachside restaurant we may try later.

PS my email account with wanadoo is playing up again, can't access it at all at the moment!

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