Tuesday 3 May 2011

28th April 2011

We left Portugal on a sunny morning and had a good drive to Seville, it was nice to be on decent roads again! As it was early afternoon we decided to head straight for the motorhome dealership, which we found easily enough just off the motorway. They were very helpful but couldn’t fix the door lock so we left for the campsite just south of the city. This time it was packed and we only just managed to find a pitch we could squeeze into, and it was a squeeze!

Next morning we set off early and mad our way northwards to Caceres. The roads were mostly dual carriageway and the views great. We climbed and dropped over hills before driving across the plains which stretched between them, admiring the walled towns we past in the distance. It was much more arable farming with huge estates. We arrived at Carceres in the afternoon and to start with followed the directions easily enough into the city (more like a large town), but then the signs stopped so we reverted to the satnav! This was fine as the roads were large and wide and the directions made sense. Soon we could see the end of journey flag, but to get to it the satnav took us via the edge of the old quarter where before we knew it the roads got narrower and narrower, with no hope of turning round! It got very tight and steep but we made it and came out near the aire where we wanted to stay. It was really busy and we managed to grab one of the last places, much to the interest of a couple of French campers who clearly didn’t think we could get the van into that spot.

After sorting ourselves out we wandered up into the old town which was a nice surprise. It was full of narrow alleyways  at the end of which were wonderful old churches and buildings. It was clearly an important religious town in its day with links to Saint George. It had been a hot afternoon so to cool off we sat at a cafĂ© in the old square with a bottle of chilled wine and watched the world go by. A good way to spend the afternoon.

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